会計入門 簿記3級

by shark pool



Bookkeeping Level 3 learning app with text and problems together.nThere is also a list of long-lived accounts and books for confirmation when sorting.

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簿記3級への独学合格を目指す、はじめて会計を勉強する人向けのアプリです。同じ問題の解き方を変え、難易度を徐々に上げながら解く勉強方法で、やさしく学べます。特徴・仕訳以外の問題にも対応。今までアプリ化しにくかった精算表問題も有ります。・Suicaやicocaなどの交通カードの仕訳など、実際の業務で悩むポイントを問題として出題しています。・暗算しやすい数字に置き換えているので電卓いらず。電車の中でも使えます。1.基礎の基礎から解説・なぜ、「簿記会計」が必要なのか?・そもそも、「簿記」とは何なのか?・会社の会計は家計簿とどう違うのか?・青色申告は、何故、複式簿記で付けないといけないのか?・経理の仕事内容や業務内容を解説2.仕分け・「仕分」は何の為に付けるのか?根本的に理解してから練習問題に入ります。・日商簿記試験で実際に出題されるような捻った仕分問題も有ります。3.簿記3級 試験問題・わかりやすいテキストで解き方を解説・簿記勉強の必須!反復学習が必要な仕訳の練習問題・3段階の難易度アップで緩く学べる試験問題・簿記試験問題は、簿記3級試験前の2月、6月、11月に追加予定!4.勘定科目覚えるまで反復学習が必要な勘定科目一覧も付いています。・アプリなので、すぐに起動。咄嗟の確認に使えます。・掲載の勘定科目は、日商簿記2級検定の試験範囲も含みます。5.帳簿・複数ある会計の帳簿を用途と付けるタイミングで、全てリスト化しました。(税効果会計や財務分析専用の帳簿は除く)・掲載の帳簿は、日商簿記2級検定の試験範囲も含みます。6.こんな人に役立つ経理の知識・会計ソフトの使い方をマスターしたい方・経理事務や総務のお仕事に就きたい方Aim to pass the 3rd level bookkeeping self-study,It is an application for people who study accounting for the first time.You can easily learn how to solve the same problem by gradually changing the level of difficulty.Feature・ We cope with problem except journalism. There is also a balance sheet problem that has been difficult to convert to an app.・ The point which is troubled in the actual business such as the journalizing of transportation cards such as Suica and icoca is a problem.・ There is no need for a calculator as it is replaced by numbers that are easy to calculate. It can also be used on the train.1. Commentary from the basics of basics・ Why do you need "bookkeeping"?・ What is "bookkeeping" in the first place?• How is the accounting of the company different from the household account book?・ Why should I submit a blue declaration in double entry bookkeeping?・ We explain work contents and work contents of accounting2. Sorting・ What is the purpose of "sorting"? You will get into practice after understanding it fundamentally.・ There is also a twisting sorting problem that is actually given in the Nikkei bookkeeping examination.3. Bookkeeping Level 3 exam questions・ We explain how to solve with plain text・ Required for bookkeeping study! Journal practice questions that require repetitive learning-Exam questions that can be learned loosely with three levels of difficulty・ Bookkeeping exam questions will be added in February, June, and November before the 3rd grade bookkeeping exam!4. AccountIt also has an account list that requires repetitive learning until you remember it.・ Because it is an application, start up immediately. It can be used to confirm the habit.・ The listed accounts also include the examination range of the Nissho Second-class bookkeeping test.5. Book・ We made a list of all the books at the time of using multiple accounting books as usage. (Excluding books for tax effect accounting and financial analysis)・ The listed books also include the examination range of the Nikkei Shobo 2nd grade test.6. Accounting knowledge to help such people・ If you want to master how to use accounting software・ If you want to get a job of accounting and general affairs・「会計とは?」「取引クイズ」「帳簿の種類」の3項目を加筆・修正しました。・課金なしでアクセスできる問題が増えました。